How to send a parcel to Portugal?

parcel to portugal

Are you a company or an individual
and you send parcels or documents to Portugal?

Here you will find all the explanations that will allow you to send a package to Portugal safely with carriers such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT or Aramex or Spring. Whether it’s a Christmas shipment, a birthday present or a business parcel, there is a solution for everyone.

The safe solution.

The best way to send a parcel quickly and safely is to use an express carrier. Unlike the National Post Office, the parcel is tracked and the risk of losing the parcel is much lower.

For a parcel shipment to a European country like Portugal that needs to arrive quickly and safely, we recommend the express services of DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT or Aramex. Delivery is made within 24 hours or 48 hours depending on the service chosen. Your package will be picked up directly from your company or your home, within the time period you have selected. It will then be handed over to the recipient in Portugal against signature, so you will have proof that the package has been delivered.

Customs formalities for Portugal
Required documents

A packing slip or Airway Bill. This is the airline ticket for your package, it is essential to attach it to your package. It can either be filled in manually at the time the courier picks up the package. Or, if you book the service of an express transport via Expedismart, this document will be sent to you in PDF at the end of your reservation.

A proforma invoice (when you do not sell your goods) or a customs invoice (if in triplicate. This is not the invoice for the purchase or sale of the goods you are sending, but a document that allows Portuguese customs to know certain information about the sender, the recipient, or the contents of the package. If you are a company, you can make one manually or, if you go through Expedismart, it will also be sent to you in PDF at the end of the booking.

Here is the information that must be contained in a proforma invoice, when your are sending to portugal :

  • The full names and addresses of the senders and receivers
  • Their telephone numbers and email addresses (in case Customs would like to contact them)
  • A full description of the goods contained in the package, either in English or in Portuguese
  • An indication of the value of the goods
  • If you would like to know more about how to fill out a proforma invoice correctly, here is an article that can explain it to you.


  •  Full address
  •  Proforma document
  •  Customs declaration
  •  No banned goods

Delivery of goods in Portugal?
Customs tariffs

Indicating the fair value of the merchandise is important because the Portuguese customs can randomly check the contents of your package for two reasons:

  • If you indicate a value of the goods that is too low, for example the last iPhone for 100 francs, the customs will block your package and ask for the true value. This will result in a delay in the delivery of your package.
  • If you wish to insure the full value of your goods, you will be obliged to indicate the REAL VALUE. Please also be aware that in the event of loss or damage you will need to prove this value to the insurance company.

Prohibited goods

Whether you send a parcel to Portugal with the Post Office with carriers such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT or Aramex, be aware that some goods may be blocked at customs because they are prohibited from entering the territory, unless special authorisations are obtained: generally, these include alcohol, tobacco, perishable goods (fresh food), dangerous products (corrosive, explosives, etc). For more information you can consult our dedicated page dedicated to prohibited goods.

How to send a parcel to Portugal?

Consumption tax is levied by Portuguese customs on goods receipts, it is called Imposto Sobre o Valor Acrescentado (I.V.A) and corresponds to VAT.

The standard VAT rate in Portugal is as follows:

  • 23% in Continental Portugal
  • 22% on Madeira Island
  • 18% in the Autonomous Region of the Azores

There are also reduced VAT rates, but these apply only to basic consumer goods. These rates fluctuate between 13% and 6% depending on the region.

Please remember to inform the recipient of your package that he or she will have to pay these VAT charges when your package is delivered.

For example, if you are declaring 100 francs worth of goods, tell your recipient that he will probably have to pay around 23 francs VAT (customs duties). You should also be aware that if the recipient is a company, it can be reimbursed for this amount.

If you do not want the recipient to pay the customs charges, and you are sending your package with DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT or Aramex BY EXPEDSIMART, you can request this from us and we will activate a function that will allow you to pay the VAT yourself. In this situation, you will not be able to get a VAT refund.

If you would like more information about VAT, please consult our dedicated article.

Pick-ups and deliveries in Portugal
Festive days

In Portugal, there are many public holidays throughout the year and customs are often closed on these days. We advise you to take this into account when you send a parcel.

Here is the list of the main national holidays in Portugal:

  • January 1st
  • Mardi Gras (the date is variable, check the year)
  • April 25: Carnation Revolution
  • May 1st: Labour Day
  • 12, 13 May, Fatima Pilgrimage
  • 10 June: National Day
  • June 11: Corpus Christi
  • June 24: Saint-Jean
  • August 15: Assumption
  • October 5: Fall of the Monarchy
  • 1 November: All Saints’ Day
  • December 1: Independence
  • December 8: Immaculate Conception
  • December 25th: Christmas

Tracking of express parcels to Portugal
Track your shipment

Shipments with express carriers have tracking numbers. By shipping with, you will be able to track your shipments easily. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.